These Simple Home Made Recipes Will Remove Your Facial Hair

Facial hair will give conscious feeling sometimes a dilemma for women, having a facial hair give them uncomfortable feeling. That is why it considered as a nightmare for those who have it. For natural solutions, you can follow this various method to say goodbye to your irritable facial hair.

For the solution for all your “hairy” problems and you will need only one simple fixing: flour (gran or chickpea flour is best but regular white flour is great, as well). Now you can efficiently remove all the unwanted facial hair. These 3 solutions for equally powerful approaches for hair removal.


Combine 1 cup of flour (by your alternative you’ll be able to use chickpea flour or plain flour) and a teaspoon of curcumin and a couple of globules of milk.

Apply the resulted mixture in your face, on the hairs you need to remove. Ensure that you use in the direction of hair growth and leave it dry off. Once the mixture is dry utilize wet towel and begins removing the mixture in the opposite direction of hair growth. Remove the deposit with warm water then apply moisturizer.

This treatment to your skin might give you the feeling of being irritated but it continues only for a while.

Together with hair removal, this approach is likely to make your skin smoother and lighter. With routine, you will discover a considerable reduction in facial hair.


Utilize fresh lemon juice and some chickpea flour to remove the unwanted facial hairs. Specifically, prepare a mixture of 10gr of lemon juice, 1 cup of water and 30gr of flour. Mix till you get nice, homogenous paste and apply it on your face. Leave it to dry off for around a quarter-hour and after that gradually remove it. Use a towel to remove the mixture, with firmly pressing in the direction of hair development.


You’ll need 1 egg white, corn flour, and sugar. Prepare a mixture of 1 egg white, 1 tbsp of sugar and tablespoon of corn flour. Blend well until you get a heavy paste. Apply the resulted mixture on dry skin, in the direction of hair growth and leave it to dry. Make sure to peel the mixture off in the opposite hair growth.

h/t: healthy life happiness
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