Cheap Ways To Get Rid Of The Head Lice Instantly

Mostly parents are scared of head lice and most of them fear their child will come and complain that their scalp is itchy. The reason is because head lice are difficult to remove and they are annoying.They are wingless, small insects that feed on human blood and are they can be very contagious.

In most cases kids get them in school, but adults can get them as well. They are not dangerous, but they are annoying and can cause inflamed and itchy scalp. If you do not get rid of them quickly the situation can get out of control since they multiply in no time and this can cause a serious infection.
On the market you can find different lice shampoos. However, if you ever experienced this problem you are aware that these solutions are expensive and ineffective. In the end you face with the endless combing that can last for hours, but there can be few parasites behind.

If you have tried everything and you still cannot find the solution you do not have to worry, because we are here to help you. We present you a homemade remedy for eliminating head lice and it is extremely efficient against head lice. If your child has head lice try this remedy immediately.
Here’s what you’ll need:

Lice comb
• White vinegar
• Listerine mouthwash (if you want you can use another brand)
• Few towels
• Shower cup or plastic bags
• A couple of towels

• With the mouthwash wash your child’s head. The hair should be completely wet.
• Using a plastic bag wrap the hair or cover it with a bathing cap. Leave it for 60 minutes.
• Afterwards remove the bathing cup/plastic bag.
• The next step is to wash your child’s hair with the vinegar and again cover it with a bag/hat for additional 60 minutes.
• Finally, remove the hat/bag and with a normal shampoo wash your child’s hair.
• Take a lice comb and comb the hair. The vinegar will eliminate the lice eggs from the hair.
• Listerine’s strong smell will keep them away, because lice actually cannot stand the smell of spearmint and that is why they will escape. You can also add Listerine in spray bottle and spray it your child’s hair before school. The entire treatment will take a few hours.
However, it is better to use this treatment than commercial products against lice which contain a lot of chemicals which can enter in the child’s bloodstream.


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