Drink Apple Cider Vinegar Before Bedtime For Better Body Condition

Apple cider vinegar has a vast number of usages and it is used for preparing pies, pickles, salads, and so much more. Still, you can use this natural ingredient for drinking as well. It may come as a surprise to you to find out that drinking some amount of apple cider vinegar before you go to bed will greatly improve your general life and health. Here are several health purposes you can use apple cider vinegar for:

1. Treats sore throat

Apple cider vinegar is known to create an acidic environment where the bacteria that cause sore throat cannot thrive. This ingredient possesses other powerful antibacterial features your body will benefit from.

About an hour before you go to bed, take a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and half an hour later, drink another teaspoon just before you fall asleep.

2. Weight loss

According to numerous different studies, obesity is a result of a lack of sleep. The more obese an individual is, the more sleep problems they have.

Apple cider vinegar is a natural ingredient able to prevent the accumulation of fat and to reduce the appetite. This is because it contains pectin, a substance that gives the brain a feeling of satiety. Hence, if you feel hungry before you go to sleep, apple cider vinegar will be of great help. Take a teaspoon of this miraculous ingredient and mix it with a cup of water. Drink this solution instead of eating a chocolate bar or cookies that contain a lot of fat.

3. Relieves stuffy nose

Apple cider vinegar is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2 and E, as well as in magnesium and potassium, substances able to get rid of the mucus and clear the sinuses. If you want to reduce the mucus quickly, mix a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water and consume this solution before going to bed.

4. Stops hiccups

Apple cider vinegar triggers the nerves in the throat which are responsible for the hiccups. This is the result of its bitter taste. Hence, the nerves that trigger the hiccup will forget its urge. So, next time you have hiccups, all you have to do is swallow a teaspoon of this vinegar.

5. Bad breath

The bad breath in the mouth is usually the result of the presence of some bacteria. Apple cider vinegar is ideal ingredient when it comes to killing bacteria. Not only will this vinegar kill the bacteria, but it will also leave your breath fresh. So, if you deal with bad breath, all you have to do is consume one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar before going to bed.

6. Treatment of acid reflux

Apple cider vinegar can restore the acidity of the stomach. Just mix a tablespoon of this ingredient with a glass of water and drink this solution an hour before you go to bed and you will solve the problem of acid reflux.

7. Prevents indigestion

Insomnia and indigestion are issues that have many things in common. This is why apple cider vinegar will help you deal with nausea and bloating too. Just mix a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with some honey and a glass of warm water and drink this solution an hour before you go to bed.

8. Relieves stomachache

Apple cider vinegar is also able to fight the symptoms of upset stomach. Eliminate the problems with gas and cramps using this ingredient. Mix a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with a cup of warm water and drink this solution before you go to sleep.

9. Lowers blood sugar levels

One of the most common reasons that cause insomnia is the high level of sugar in the blood. Apple cider vinegar is able to raise the insulin sensitivity and thus lower the blood sugar levels. Take two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar before you go to bed. Do this regularly and you will notice the improvements.

Note: before you start the use of apple cider vinegar, consult your doctor first. This goes especially for people who take diabetes medications.

10. Reduces nocturnal leg cramps

The insufficient levels of potassium can cause a sharp pain in the legs. As we know, apple cider vinegar is rich in this mineral and can help you reduce the cramps and restore the balance of your body.

All you have to do is mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a glass of warm water and drink it before going to bed.

via: healthyfoodhouse
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